Tuesday, August 27, 2013


As human beings we have a singular communication unlike any other life form we are aware of that opens the doors of connectivity in a way that has the potential for an immense profundity, meaning, and emotional exchange.  We as human beings have the potential to not merely communicate, to not merely connect, but to transcend the mechanical methodologies of inter-personal exchange to a level of relating.  The concept of relating is the foundation for a relationship, and it is something so common to our quotidian way of living that we are lost entirely to the fuller measure and dimensionality of relating. 

We as human beings all share this special gift and the potential to use it in what amounts to the very essence of living.  One meets another and can find no common ground.  Their interests are entirely dissimilar and their views on life, the perspective gained through a lifetime of responding to experience, can find no commonality.  No mutual talents or gifts from within two lives of inauthentic living can be found and no passions for any meaningful purpose can be agreed upon.  It can safely be said that such a connection involves no level of relating offering absolutely no potential for a meaningful relationship. 

However, one meets another and each find they have a common history with similar qualities and aspects.  In finding this inter-personal shared life experience it is discovered that, grounded in shared essence of experience, each aspire to like interests having lived common life dynamics.  Most profoundly, each finds that the other views life through a similar lens.  Each has a flourishing of distinctive qualities but they unite in a synthesis whose level of meaning knows no bounds.  And whether or not each share common talents and gifts, most certainly each will enjoy the unique qualities of the other and offer a sincere and selfless source of life's support towards mutual endeavors.  It may certainly be said that such a pair transcends connectivity and embraces the wonders and limitless emotional, cognitive, and spiritual sensibilities that are the reality of relating on a level more than superficial and authentic in every aspect. 

It is a great gift of life for two souls to meet, to connect, to relate, and through laws of attraction, fall in love leading towards marriage.  But there is something very special to be said of two souls who meet, they connect, they relate profoundly, without any laws of attraction, without any given benefit or reward, with no motivation to the relationship other than what is the substance of one of life’s great miracles. 

As children meet and find unity in commonality they form friendships.  Many of these are lasting.  Throughout the progress of maturing and into adulthood, more friendships are formed, while others may diminish.  As two individuals marry and begin a family, the lasting friendships are set aside for occasional visits and other infrequent reasons to meet, something that becomes more and more difficult as the world holds the busy schedule like a carrot before the donkey. 

Those friendships, the kind which transcend connectivity and through relating form a fully-dimensional relationship, where are these relationships in their totality to be found amongst the world’s confounding and demanding dynamics, societal norms and expectations, and both external and internal pressures on time and energy?  They are to be found in full fruition, to the utmost depth, with the greatest benefits to the sensibilities, with no hint of any kind of worldly gratification, amongst those truly blessed, truly honest, truly humble and truly authentic. 

For it is in this special and rare relationship designated for the blessed, honest, humble and authentic, that a relationship of complete divine purity can be found between two souls invested in each other, after well established communication and shared experience, solely for the pure love of the other, a love devoid of any worldliness but one of selfless giving and unavoidable caring. 

This post means a tremendous amount to me and I write it for very personal reasons.  Many of you know my history and know my struggles and know my dedication and perseverance as I continue to progress in conquering the unconquerable.  But, through my agonizing life journey, I have been alone in the world, alone until I discovered the beauty that is the rare and wonderful reality of friendship. 

As I will never have my own family, as I continue to combat disability, friendship has given me more happiness in this life than any blessing thus far.  Without my sole mate, I would continue to endure, alone, unendurably.  But this does not have to be.  For my best friend, I am more grateful than any gift in my life. I love him, I honor his personal life struggle and his incredible journey, I learn from him, I grow with him and I cry with him.  Together we have no expectations beyond filling the void that each fills for the other, to be filled with beauty and truth.  I dedicate this post to this most important person in my life, Mr. Austin P. Saget.      

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