Saturday, April 13, 2013

Deeply Grounded in Christ

There are many gospel truths that are heard repeatedly, on Sunday, at meetings, in conferences, through Church publications, from general authorities, as well as the scriptures, and it is a sad situation that too often members become desensitized to these principles having heard them countless times through countless approaches through the course of a lifetime, all amounting to a basic core principle. Wake Up! The Gospel is made a perpetual part of LDS lives not to lessen the value of its principles but to maintain sacred standards. No matter what the mind might be thinking when the teacher opens the class by writing on the board, “Keeping the Sabbath Day Holy,” the heart swells.

Even so, as members of the Church, the precepts of the Gospel might be simple on a certain level, but like the word “truth,” a word held sacred, the depth and breadth to which hearts and minds might take understanding and personal insight, individually through deeply seeking revelation and openly as a congregation, has a direct impact on the absoluteness of testimonies. If understanding of truth is grounded on an individual personal searching for life’s most incomprehensible answers through revelation to be witnessed as manifest in life revealed in numerous ways through the workings of the Spirit evoking a surety of that, which is of the heart is truth, and also that which is not, and not only is received an inspirational witness but the depth of yearning deep within is answered two fold as is seen the affirmed truth act through powerful agents whose power is witnessed in every instance initially questioning truth in life, and as the Spirit envelops the heart, this leaves not only a testimony but a rock of reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the mouthpiece of the Holy Spirit.

Such instances are not uncommon and are as much a miracle as the raising of Lazarus as the heart knows how well this is absolute and the good mind does not go back on truth, not out of fear but for love of recognized truth, the spirit not wishing to default on the resultant abundance of blessings, another witness, now that the cycle of perpetuating truths has begun. Such is a common experience and such is the effort to truly learning essential Gospel principles to such depths until the testimony is a rock of reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Becoming active once again in the Gospel after too many years, starting once more was as a child learning the Gospel anew. It was to take a very real miracle to secure a testimony enough to see a traversal of the distance after years of raucous living. Through inspiration, aspects of passion for philosophy began to emerge and have more of a dominance until the literal choice to challenge the philosophy of Existentialism, at first not knowing why, required a higher road, this becoming Mormon Existentialism, synonymous with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Securely grounded in philosophical discourse, to now par against Mormon Existentialism was a formidable challenge. This was the time that began a rediscovery of the Gospel looking at fundamental core principles asking deliberate questions in the spirit of prayer. The same perpetuation of truth soon began as essentials of the Gospel were explored asking for truth and receiving beyond that which was sought. The Gospel became alive. Reading and profusely recording thoughts through an intensive duration, the Gospel became understood philosophically. This was not through any degree of manipulation, but as everything learned, all is philosophical by nature, merely a deeper questioning and penetration of that which was sought; the being and very existence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Considering “worldly” Existentialist principles, the Gospel; Mormon Existentialism (a misnomer), became clear as the distinctive curative to the greater ideological ill of the “world” with its anxieties and lack of purpose in existence, total denial of absolute answers, truth or common meaning are void just like the denial of God. The only guarantee in this “world,” as is the common truism, is death. This bleak and utterly complacent philosophical ideology that is only spreading in an increasing secularization and in mass culture has a rigorous history and an even more rigorous theoretical base. As demonstrative in this blog, this challenge demanded an understanding of LDS Gospel principles to a degree of profundity as deep as the opposition was grounded, allowing not only level playing field, but offering a challenge to academic, extensively theorized, deep seeded philosophy, officially instigated by the very Nietzsche who stated “Christ was the only Christian,” one of the worst minds of history having backed in theory the content of fascism. Ultimately, this blog was for the capacity to proficiently and with demonstrable expertise discourse on the polemics between the two thus introducing provocative and interesting topics elucidating core Gospel principles by sharing insights gained through this polemic made lucidly clear as the transient artificial “world” became utterly transparent while pure reality became understood as the Savior and all that he manifests.

This study undertaken required prayer, inspiration, revelation, and contemplation all on a very penetrative level of thought. Yet without the aid of the Spirit at all times, the inspiration would cease to flow. From deep within, from the beginning, the Sprit was present, there was no other basis for such understanding. Surely the Spirit would not allow such a work to commence if in fact it were fallacious; there are too many ways for it to be easily stopped. Through this process the work became lucid while receiving the courage to trust inspiration more readily. The learning continues unabated.

Today and forever, this testimony will without question survive any remnant of same sex attraction that might remain dormant and is unequivocally long absent. It will help manage the vestiges of psychosis that was a living nightmare of schizoaffective disorder for 20 years till now, over a year psychosis free since given endowments on December 27, 2011. Only managing bipolarism, which for a writer, can be a gift, this testimony is a rock of reality of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Without it there might as well open a black hole sucking life from life, the same is the state of darkness without the order and light and love of God.

Happily, this is not the case. The plan of salvation gives purpose to existence enabling a closeness to and a becoming more like Him. This is the purpose of existence. The Savior and his Gospel, made possible by the eternal atonement, is the very true reality of which the eternities sing the praises of and will forever rejoice and glory in his sacred name and transcendent love. Here, now, seek deeper knowledge of the gospel, seek that knowledge through understanding and seek that understanding through revelation as desired and it will be made known through His Spirit.

When the Spirit manifests its presence and makes its being known, listen and learn. For the clean, the pure in heart and the chaste, this Spirit will live on as life is blessed from every direction through striving to do the will of God. Learn from these undeniable manifestations in life and never deny them, they are truth and truth is absolute and eternal; everything that emanates from Christ. Place all in His hands and make of life a thing of beauty; to be an eternal touchstone and not something to be eternally ashamed of having wasted. This can be guaranteed against by not only harboring the Spirit but forever learning from the Spirit through an awareness of the blessings and paths laid open with truths meant personally. Never rationalize this to “worldly” explanation making a mockery of God but allow this perpetuation to ripple through life in so many glorious and blessed ways of joy.

The post to immediately follow this one will concern truths of the beloved and distinctly necessary principle to “live in the world but not of it.” However, here, revealing a spectrum of eternal significance and existential value, outside of the familiar sunday school context, it is used as an admonition to “Practice the absolute and literal transcendence beyond the conditional artifice of temporal mortality to a higher exalted sphere of truth absent of the cares of that concerning a false people, towards an experience of pure reality expressive of celestial qualities of praiseworthiness that is attainable now. This transcendence and absolute reality is the materialization of the Savior who made pure reality without end possible by his eternal atoning sacrifice. This eternal joyous state of a mortal existence of authentic reality is available for His loyal followers practicing and serving in His Gospel here in this life, whilst in preparation to become those to find through fidelity to Him a magnificence manifest by the paradisiacal glory of the pure Reality of Jesus Christ through an incomprehensible fullness entered into for the faithful welcoming the eternities to become even as God!” Does not this deeper, fuller, and existential understanding of the historic principle provoke the heart and mind to cause the spirit to stir with something akin to conviction surpassing beyond the simplistic old and faithful phrase repeated time and again? Perhaps being deeply grounded in Christ as suggested in this passage used here affects an uplifting and inspired spirituality, recognizing truth anew, thus perpetuating an evolution of a surer testimony. This is entirely granted by a richer and fuller understanding from the message of the familiar and casually used popular LDS historic anachronism, forever to be applied with greater insight, sensibility, enlightenment, with the steadfast testimony profoundly grounded in the living Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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