Sunday, April 29, 2012


“We name time when we say: every thing has its time. This means: everything, which actually is, every being comes and goes at the right time and remains for a time during the time allotted to it. Every thing has its time,” said Martin Heidegger. 

The benefit of mortality and the temporal is the gift of progression. In temporality all is conditional, there is ebb and flow with the changing of seasons and the passing of time. Using this to an advantage, this brief mortality is ideally conditioned for conditional progression towards unconditional perfection. 

This is a novel concept for the Existentialist whose conception of time is relative.  The traditional model set by Heidegger was a relative prison where the mind acts, then consciousness realizes and withdraws, only then to move ahead.  He calls this state of consciousness a “null void of a nullity” we are ever filling.

To the Mormon Existentialist, this may or may not be true but is of little consequence as it fulfills our literal ideals for a plan of progression, albeit with less of a sense of agency than we like to think.  In this Heideggerian “continuum” theorized and schematically so accepted by  so many subsequently, time is nothing real or absolute but a condition of this never ending cycle upon which being rests.

This is not the laws of fundamental LDS Gospel principle as we understand it.  Time is a reality and has always been used for very real purposes beyond the personal.  It separated the Garden from the Telestial, it has demarcated dispensations, it delineates the meridian of time; there is nothing subjective about this.  

In this very real reality of mortality, what is even more incomprehensible, making of mortality something of a miracle in and of itself, is that there are two sides to the veil.  A spirit being can pass from one side. The mortal side where time exists, and may cross over to the other side, to a different state of reality, Christ’s reality, where time does not nor has ever existed.  This establishes further the objectivity of time.

Given these factors, instead of thinking of time working against us, we can think of it as one of our greatest allies as we come to be more like God and become Gods and Goddesses our selves.  With time, I’m a manner not too unlike the Heideggerian theory, ironically, we are perpetually faced with choices and we must put our consciousness to the test in response to these choices.  It is time that make the progression we experience, the delineation of growth, possible, and a progression upon which all of life follows, whether they choose to make the best of it, thinking of it as the University of Life, or make a waste of it and live a life of complacence and learn nothing and contribute nothing.

Given these earthly conditions, as each person strives to be more like God, they will literally be more prepared to co-exist closer in a state that is more compatible and can tolerate the conditions, a magnificent and incomprehensible to us as they are, as a pure state of reality without time.  None who walk the earth separated by a veil of forgetfulness can conceive of this, and one must be ready for its level of magnitude and live life in preparation, using time for this purpose, otherwise the eternities will be wasted as much as life was wasted without growth and without contribution… a sad reality for any son or daughter of Heavenly Father.

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