Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Atonement

When writing on the nature of Reality in my previous post “Reality,” as far along as I was in my thinking, I had not developed my ideas to the extent that they are now and what I consider to be the fullness of pure and authentic Reality. I had all of the ideas in the right order, even the image I used was ideal, but I could not see the bigger picture… yet. With all reverence and adherence to the precepts and laws of the gospel, I propose that the atonement of Jesus Christ is Reality itself.

Without the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, none of God’s children would have an existence from intelligences to divinity this all non defacto without the pivotal role of the Savior’s Atonement thus making all Reality possible.  It is the very essence of being itself.  It is the quality of existence that secular philosophers have looked for since Plato but have not had the truth until His restored Gospel.  Sadly, today is a day that defeats in purpose the presence of an absolute Reality and the very nature of meaning and the existence of truth. 

As I have pondered the Atonement and talked of it with friends, I have learned that we as Church members grasp only the slightest measure of the Atonement. We talk of it as a redemption and atoning sacrifice whereby all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the gospel, but redemption from misdeeds is perhaps only the beginning of the power of the Atonement that we may just begin to realize the full purpose and potential of.  

Jesus Christ, our Savior, is the God of all Gods, there is one eternal round, his sacrifice was beyond human comprehension and Christ is and will reign as the supreme being whom we will glory in his everlasting light and find our joy in worshipping.  From the snowflake that falls in January to the lifetime he spends with a disabled individual weak in strength but not in spirit, Christ makes all possible and he is indeed the alpha and the omega in this eternal round.  We have so much to learn.

It is ubiquitous because there is nothing that it does not reach. This is, of course, not ubiquitous to the world where it is mocked thus the world forfeits its glorious blessings and the Plan of Salvation will effectuate little compared to the humble who carry the light of Christ in an attitude of true charity at all times to all persons whose agency is a factor of the atonement.  This makes it possible that all man is allowed to be freed from any past and move forward with progression in life to carry on without the stifling stagnation and heavy burden of sin, but unbound and unbroken, this not possible to be such without the ubiquitous Reality of the Atonement making existence possible and redeeming all from eternal bondage.  

Through charity we might share this core message of the Reality of salvation and eternal life to all we care for, and as humanity is our family that means many.  Never miss an opportunity to share the redemptive message of truth and peace of the Reality of the Savior to all and never loose a chance by letting go of charity and falling into pride.  This is the worst mistake as none is above the other and there is only one qualified to be judge and it is His truth that is the promise to share with every walk of life who will feel the literal love of Christ through the attitude of charity. 

The qualities of Reality that are made possible are eternal, real, wise and true, loving, caring, understanding, humble and charitable, with a strong and learned dependable mind to think securely and penetrative to discover further depths of truth of Reality for the self.  One can only, at the bar of justice, in the perfect state of his reality, stand firm and even look upon Him without having learned well what charity means and to have lived it as it is his pure love and his pure love is the universal power that darkness has no influence over but can easily be subdued yet the Savior loves God’s children and wants them to progress to their greatest even if it costs him suffering and pain. Thus, adversity is a blessing, a special gift, that one should be grateful for the opportunity offered in learning, growth, and achievement, allowed through His atoning love.

It is a wonderful thing to ponder the atonement and think of ways one might exercise it in ones life.  This can be more readily be done when one comes to the reality check of a lifetime, that Reality is the love of Jesus Christ whose Atonement is the being of all things.  With this secure reality check, one may focus on manners to apply the power of Christ’s atonement.  With contemplation, one may receive revelation of how Christ’s Reality might best serve in a dire hour of the “worldly” tempest, but there is no limit to the sources of blessings it can have on all aspects of life, all phases of life, beyond the “worldly,” this being a state of artificiality, as it is essentially Reality itself and to be attuned with it is to be in a very sure place.


One result of conventional existentialism is a generalized popular concern and angst over the nature of reality, or more specifically what reality is perceived to be.  Questioning the nature of reality is something that has been the great ambition of noble philosophers since Plato and in heralding the Modern age RenĂ© Descartes.  This noble ambition of great thinkers has, unfortunately, due to the influence of less than noble thinkers specifically Friedrich Nietzsche, led to the abolition of any kind of absolute reality to the perilous situation where today, this sort of nihilism denies all truth.  But concerning reality, it is popularly misconceived by a world who uses the word reality to designate what those of the LDS faith call a natural state lived by the natural man. "For the natural man is an enemy to God..."Mosiah 3:19

This "natural” state is one at its most base morally, without any virtue, is a slave to pleasure, and is fundamentally ruled by those things carnal and bestial. One may sink to it at any moment and be on a level with beasts with like behaviors or one may rise to the divine potential in all with like behaviors to the Divine. This confusion includes, beyond this primordial bestial state, that has the behavior of animals, that which fundamentally constitutes the “worldly.”  The “worldly” involves such things and such ideas that are manipulative, destructive and of very finite value limited only to the temporal such as ephemera to deceive.  Misconstrued conceptions of a "harsh reality" do in fact play a major role in the human experience as there must be adversity in all things for progression, growth and prosperity, but to know truth one must understand the difference between that which is bestial and carnal and inclusive of the ills of a worldly state of being and not refer to it as something it is not. 

These truths are absolute to those who understand them synonymously with eternity- a state of everlasting reality.  And the carnal and the “worldly” have done a service to those wishing to authenticate the very true nature of just what are the principles of universal reality.  This service is done when one might simply consider all that is present in the state of existence of the natural man and all that constitutes the “worldly” in the “world,” this being from the most nuanced to the most grievous infractions of the harmonious universal laws of God, and merely take that which does not fall into the crevices of the natural man, take that which is not sucked into the lures of the “worldly” like some giant vacuum collecting the dust of the finite conditions of the mortal sphere, and take that which remains as pure reality.

This would firstly include the eternal as opposed to the mortal; this would constitute the real as opposed to the artificial or the man-made, and that, which is the creation of God and not the arbitrary construction of humanity for the sake of itself.  Being eternal and real, it must involve those things that will transcend mortal reality to a higher plateau as all pass from this realm of existence.  As each of us pass on, what could possibly join us on our journey to constitute that, which is real? 

Love.  The love of those close and for humanity in general.  Understanding; a level of wisdom gained in mortality as one is fully armed and absorbed with universal as well as personal truths, the kind of truths that make their mark and once experienced do not dissipate.  One brings learning, learning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the strength and fortitude that comes with the strong mind well adjusted to learning for its own sake, a mind that can be depended upon that does not idly dwell in negativity or lazy thought but a mind accustomed to deep thinking and one more able to penetrate to deeper truths of the pure reality it is so conducive for.   

It is a truth that we as Latter-Day Saints are admonished to be aware and beware of the things of this “world” and that “The natural man is an enemy to god.”  We must, in this lifetime, invest in those things that are of lasting reality and not waste precious time on that, which will be worthless sooner than later and having no place in the eternities.  We might focus on our familial and healthy and productive friendly relationships, we must seek truth always, to be on a path of truth, this is a certain reality attainable in this life to set a course for eternal existence that is of the most worth and meaning and will serve those who tred it well. 

Keep the mind alive.  Keep active in activities, never be idle.  Even if one is not predisposed to read the great works of humanity, from Plato to Jung, keep the mind active always by scriptural study and pondering the mysteries that will be revealed on a personal level.  And never let the mind slip into corrosive habits such as resentments but keep the mind strong to prepare to meet God who will see someone of truth and someone who is grounded in those things real, ready for the greatest of eternal beginnings that await those who have already transcended the “world” for a reality that is now already familiar, the real reality, a pure state, where one will dwell forever, without time, with every possibility possible.

Missionary Muscle

As a Latter-Day Saint member living in Salt Lake City, it is easy to forget that it is essentially human to want to know truth.  “Can I tell you about my religion?”  “What religion is that?”  “Mormonism.”  “Forget it.”  Although this is not the universal case and this prejudice disparate from feelings of the rest of the world, this “worst case scenario” shall be used.  “Can I tell you about truth?”  “What kind of truth is that?”  “It is the kind of truth that will make you understand your purpose in life, it will show you what is really reality by clarifying the worldly and the artificial against eternally divine experiences that can happen every moment from looking at the stars at night to hearing the coo of a new born.  It will help you with any anxieties with aging and worries over what one has done with one’s life as time in a temporal condition of this finite mortality in truth does not exist beyond this limited sphere; the eternities not infinite time but the absence of time.  And life should never be measured by quantity but quality and should never be compared to another as we all have our trials and each of God’s children will make of their life one of happiness be they a pauper in Bangladesh or they a miserably wretched Wall Street tycoon who has never really lived but merely played the game of money, which is the ultimate artificiality of this world not to be confused with the preciousness of tried and true charity, the pure love of Christ, where no man stands alone or above but where all are on equal ground and only one judge has the knowledge to have seen all through His atoning sacrifice giving Him every right to judge and what better advocate could possibly be wanted other than the source of all reality which is his love even Jesus Christ?” 

One might ask a further question, “Would you like to know the source of such truths and where an abundance of more, the kind that will serve you personally, can be found?”  “Oh, yes, please,” comes the answer, “tell me where I can find the source of such enlightenment for myself.”  “You may find it in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.”  “Um… OK… where might the true Gospel of Christ be found?”  “You might find it at any given moment as you read the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ who came also to the Americas which, unlike the Bible, is recorded from direct inspired revelation and not revised countless times through many languages, but can be trusted verbatim as truth.  You might find it by listening to missionaries who will tell you about the origins of the Church of Jesus Christ, which, unlike any other faith, was founded on perfect truth; revelation given to the young prophet Joseph Smith and they will tell you how the Church in absolute truth, was established with authority in perfect accord with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as it existed in his day, and not anything prefabricated; and is the living, embodied manifestation of this same God’s true church on the earth today.  You might learn truth as you come to church and learn lessons and develop your own testimony of the Book of Mormon, of the Atonement of Jesus Christ which is the central principle to all things, the power of faith, the worth of service, and the central role of family as you learn the divine truth, your own purpose here on earth, The Plan of Salvation, as you progress in this earthly sphere of learning truths and growing, together with an eternal companion, making your way back to God, from whence you came, but not as an innocent lamb as you left him, but now as a mighty pillar of faith, understanding and learning, ready to begin your journey into the eternities and your own progeny with worlds without number. 

This journey will begin for you in the temple as you make special covenants, wonderful covenants of righteousness that are the source for living peacefully, harmoniously and happily in this life, covenants that you knew and decided that you would make before you came to earth.  These covenants are the path of joy and the journey, as you keep a safe haven of goodness within you for the Spirit to dwell, your journey will be one of truth, a life the very best lived, the very most meaningful and quality existence most in harmony with God.  In this path of truth don't waste a moment on worldly artifice but forever climb higher on your personal progression never to fall as you are firmly grounded on that which is real.  Your path to the eternities begins here where you will be sealed in marriage to a spouse whom is not yours, “till death do you part,” but for “time and all eternity.”  And together you begin along the path of truth with the Spirit guiding you as you make your way contemplatively and prayerfully paying attention to spiritual promptings and your spiritual wellsprings will forever be full of truth, as such established once learned in experience, will forever be a part of your spiritual being.

You in truth can be the spiritual being who can stand erect before the Savior at the day of all reckoning, that can be the greatest of your existence and say in honest and very real humility as you are before all things, humble, as you could not be truly charitable otherwise, ‘Thank you, thank you for the gift of charity you gave me for without it life would have been an empty affair.  Your suffering was not lost on me but I made the utmost of your love in my life in every respect, most especially to share your light with others that I care about and all my fellow humanity whom I shared your light with, sharing your love so all around me might share in the joy of the reality you made possible through your atoning sacrifice making all things possible without which my existence would never have happened and I feel now, the light of yours that lifts my soul to the a colossal peak, creates a love I could never have believed possible but now in your presence, my Savior, everything in the universe is in truth perfect through the glory of you whom I find in worshipping brings me to a precipice even higher.  How great thou art, how great thou art.’  Is this the kind of thing you would like to say to the Savior when you meet him, as you will meet him, nothing can be more certain, do you wish to, with humility, hold your head up, or ramble on lists of excuses?” 

“No excuses.  How can I visit with the missionaries without another moment’s delay?  I have lingered too long in blindness and do not want to meet my Savior in blindness but with the faith, understanding and learning of a stalwart Mormon, to practice true charity in my life, to follow the path of righteousness and learn more about the Plan of Salvation and my purpose, and do those things that will bring me back to God.  The love you speak of, I feel this right now, this is very real, this is not artificial, and this Spirit in my heart, this Spirit is telling me something, and it is boldly testifying to all the things you say, that this is the very path to that moment of perfect universal truth that begins now as I accept and embrace the fullness of truth found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”   

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Philosophical Inquiry of Universal Morality

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me," wrote Christian 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant. This pioneering thinker had a wise and acute sense of truth and a faith in God with moral conviction. The "starry heavens above me and the moral law within me" were more profound to Kant than the vastness of his philosophy, which would alter the course of all subsequent philosophy, and were perhaps an inspiration for it. His awe of moral law is reverent and astute and an example of virtue and nobility. A moral law is an absolute truth and an essential of existence and the product is progression leading to the full realization of divine potential.

Latter-Day Saints understand universal moral law as universal truth as much as gravity, and more eternal than space and time. It is a refined and very organized universe that holds moral law as high if not higher than any other law and it must be obeyed for the sake of an orderly and harmonious existence in all realms of this existence. It is comforting to think of a universe so divinely structured, of which God is the nexus, that exists with such a degree of order and harmonious precision, of its infinite precepts only a finitude are known, but understood is moral law, which is understood as a refining and fundamental principle to the perpetuation of universal stability in its balanced state as without it chaos would ensue. All creatures with a conscience are subject to universal morality, which complied to, merits exaltation, or rebelled against, costs a heavy price in a universe of justice. This moral law has existed always and will always exist as God’s own standard and no conscientious creature is exempt, each knowing right from wrong, absolutely. 


Individually, as literal bodily and spiritual sons and daughters of Heavenly Father, each has the duty to uphold the universal moral law that is not a worldly polemic open to debate but a requirement of each that must be fulfilled for the very structure of the existence enabling freedoms enjoyed.  Each has free agency but this agency is best used to decide who might make the best eternal companion, how to act with decorum and modesty, how to do those things that represent the being and actions of Jesus Christ at all times, how to practice honesty in all aspects of life not discluding being honest with one’s self, and how to treat others with kindness and maintain an eternal perspective of Christ-like charity for all fellow-men. Morality reaches beyond the sexual sin and is the measure by which each may live a life that is magnanimous as is practiced a moral code that shows a sincere love for one’s fellow being and a deep and abiding love for the Savior.

 This is not a casual thing, this is an urgent and essential responsibility for the realization of the eternal plan of salvation of all of God’s children. For this reason, the Savior suffered in the garden of Gethsemane with an infinite suffering and was nailed to a cross by his hands and feet. How is this the purpose of Christ’s passion? If each were to go through life in the imperfect state, even the best, as hard as one might try, will fall short of the universal standard of the moral law according to the being of God. During a lifetime of even the most devout individual, countless infractions of morality will surmount to a state that the individual, at the bar of justice, regardless of meritable efforts, will be held responsible for all of the many infractions of falling short of God’s universal moral law and the chaos they contributed to and will face a like chaos of eternal suffering.

However, in this existential state of being, with these many, countless for most, infractions of universal morality, as imperfect as one might be, as long as the profound practice of repentance is put to sincere and honest use between the individual and God, the miracle of sincere growth is achieved. But it is no arbitrary thing that repentance is mandated for progression. Repentance is mandated because there is balance to be maintained that is essential to the perpetuation of universal harmony and without repentance there is punishment. The redemption of the Savior is the gift to all mankind of pure love that is reality itself in which his infinite suffering allows each of God’s children the exemption from damnation and the reality of eternal salvation and exaltation.

The two options are black and white and one element stands between heaven and hell and this is the atonement, something all might use pragmatically, striving to raise the bar day by day with each lesson learned, forever increasing personal standards of morality.  The beloved Savior’s suffering will not be in vain but he can see as his fold reaches its goal back to the Father to be as Him. When Kant, the Christian philosopher said “Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admiration and awe, the more often and steadily we reflect upon them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me," he might not have been as aware as Latter-Day Saints, that these observations are not two separate entities, but are the universality of the perfect being of the perfect reality manifest in Christ.